Cleaning your cleaning supplies

Getting new cleaning supplies is so refreshing! I love getting new towels, duster replacements etc., but I use a lot of re-useable stuff so I have to make sure I am routinely washing my supplies and keeping it as clean as I want my home.

If a clean home is important to you, you probably realize that it’s impossible to have a really clean home if your cleaning supplies are dirty. If you don’t, think about it: We run the vacuum cleaner along nasty floors and dusty blinds, in crevices down the side of the fridge where dust bunnies love to hide, and then use the same tools to vacuum dog hair off the sofa, where we rest our heads against the cushions. Makes sense that we’d be spreading germs and dirt, right?


Here are 4 cleaning supplies I always make sure I to keep clean.

Any kind of sponge

What about the kitchen sponge that you routinely wipe dirty plates and pots with? Then you probably rinse it, to  wipe the counter tops clean. Watch out. 75% of sponges test positive for coliform bacteria like e.coli.

Bacteria love to hang out in a warm damp place. To get rid of any that might be lurking in your kitchen sponge, soak it in water and microwave it for one minute, or place it on the top rack of your dishwasher when you are running an extra hot cycle. Do this every couple of days to ensure you’re not encouraging bacteria to grow and get wiped around your kitchen counters.

Make sure to replace sponges every two weeks.

You can also look for sponge alternatives. Here is the one I use. 


Mops can be big offenders in spreading germs around your home if not treated with a little TLC.  Mops can also be a good, damp place for bacteria to thrive. After each clean with your mop, soak it in a large tub of water. Ring it dry. I then put it in the washer with mild detergent and dry on low heat for 20 minutes. Make sure it is completely dry before the next use by storing it in a dry, cool place. I usually hang mine on a hook or hanger. This pertains to microfiber dust mop heads also. The key is thoroughly drying.

cleaning supplies

Your Vacuum 

The vacuum cleaner is arguably one of the greatest household helpers ever invented, but it is only effective if it gets a thorough cleaning itself. Otherwise, you could just be moving dirt around. For bagless vacuums, empty the canister after each use — I have a Shark True Pet Powered Lift-Away so I have a canister and filters that get REALLY icky if they aren’t washed. My filters are washable so I can just wash with warm water and mild dish soap. I then make sure they are thoroughly dry. I do the same thing with the canister, making sure to dry it thoroughly as well so no dust gets caked on the canister from access water.

Secondly, be sure to clean the tools and brushes well in warm soapy water every few months and if there’s a motorized rotating brush, ensure it’s free of hair. You might have to cut through it with scissors if you have long hair like me that sheds worse than my dog’s… and I also have a dog.  If this piece of the vacuum is too tangled up, it can actually damage the motor. If the tools don’t detach from your vacuum simply clean them with a wet towel and cleaning solution.

I also clean the outside of the vacuum to keep it dust-free.

Feather dusters/microfiber dusters

Never put a used feather duster straight back in the supply closet. Give it a good shake outside to really remove any dust, and while out there try blasting it with the air spray you use for your keyboard. Just be sure to do this far from your windows (if open) or any open doors so that the dust doesn’t fly back inside.

Microfiber dusters are awesome! It’s what I personally use. To clean microfiber dusters, just soak in hot water and mild detergent then toss it in the washer.  To dry it, I toss the pad in the dryer on low heat for 20 minutes then lay flat to dry thoroughly.  Learn how to care for microfiber material here.

cleaning supplies

It only makes sense that keeping the cleaning supplies  you clean dirt with, needs a good cleaning too.

I try to invest in cleaning supplies that have washable, reuseable attachments. In the long run, this saves money even though it may take a little extra time to keep up with -your family will thank you 🙂

Whether you are house cleaning Vancouver or just simply trying to keep your supplies clean at home…I hope you find some of these tips useful!

Do you have any tips for keeping your supplies clean?


About the Author jessica