Pokemon Madison WI

Is this even real? 

Apparently two men crashed their vehicle while playing Pokemon Go! They were searching hard looking for a rare find, but ended up in the ditch.

I know it can be exhilarating to wonder around the city searching for Pokemon, but let’s be safe.

Don’t text and drive!

Don’t Pokemon and drive!

It is a serious hazard to be doing anything distracting while driving and we need to do our best to be attentive at all times. Your life is a lot more important than a game, and you only get one shot at life.

On a side note you can pick up a few tips at: http://pokemongotraining.com

Here is the full story reported by Channel 3000 if you want to see what Sherif Mahoney has to say about the incident.

About the Author Jess

Hey, I'm Jess! I own a local cleaning business in Madison, WI and I also love writing about house cleaning and green cleaning products!